Inner Components Basics

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Internal components vary widely in how they can be used. And, sometimes a picture can explain things easier than a thousand words, so here is the rocket that will be used to identify different internal components and their most common use.

Component Function
Components.03.01.Inner.Inner Tube.png

Inner Tubes: <<INSERTION POINT>>




Centering Rings: <<INSERTION POINT>>


Bulkheads: <<INSERTION POINT>>


The purpose for an engine block is reflected in its name. The engine block is a short, thick, smaller diameter inner tube that is glued inside the forward end of the inner tube being used to hold the engine or motor, and, when the engine is pushed into the inner tube, the engine block physically blocks its path, preventing it from going in any further. Tape is usually wrapped around the engine before inserting to bind it enough that the ejection charge doesn't blow it out, but not so much that it can't be removed after the flight.

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